Twelve truly bad photoshop mistakes from magazines and ads.This is what happens when you trust a little too much on your photoshop skills!
At 4 am, somewhere, a designer waked up screaming "OMG! I forgot to put her finger back in"
Nice stomach on the "Before" picture... another bad photoshop mistake.
World's smallest waist? From Maxim Mexico
The model apparently had a stroke during her shoot (right eye)
The only cereal that makes you white
wEew.. very nice legs :-)
No head. From Sports Illustrated
Need an extra hand?
Is she's about to devour her friend?
Madonna's Microcephalic issue
So what's wrong with this girl's arm?
Ok, how many hands do you actually have Lady Guineviere?
NOTE: Images were sent by email or collected around the web, but there's a site devoted to photoshop mistakes --source of all maybe?--, be sure to check it out: PD's blog
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